Health and wellbeing

Eaten for its organoleptic qualities, Arcachon Cap Ferret oysters also provide health benefits. 

Yet another good reason to enjoy them all year round!

The oyster — a secret weapon for your health!

Oysters from the Arcachon Bay Lège-Cap Ferret

Looking at its nutritional composition, the oyster can be classified as one of the best foods of animal origin. It can provide small amounts of all the elements essential to our metabolism.
It is a complete, healthy food that is rich in key nutrients: vitamins (A, D, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C), minerals (iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium), trace elements, high quality proteins and Omega 3! It’s a real treat for the taste buds without consuming lots of calories!

Oysters are particularly recommended for:

  • Athletes – oysters improve resistance to physical exertion and help improve recovery.
  • People who are looking after their weight – oysters are low in calories. 12 oysters are equivalent to 67 KCAL.
  • People with cholesterol problems – the good fats found in oysters help lower bad cholesterol.
  • The Omega 3 content helps prevent cardiovascular disease.
  • They help with the general functioning of our body.
The health benefits of oysters

An oyster detox – put it on future menus!

Oysters from the Arcachon Bay Lège-Cap Ferret

Enjoy yourself and wake up the next day feeling happy that you don’t need to stop partying yet!  Oysters will be your true detox friend after New Years Eve. As well as the feeling of freshness you get when eating them, they provide the perfect nutritional balance.

Tasty + rich in natural benefits – low in calories = 68 KCAL IN 12 OYSTERS